Let the magic of music enrich your life!
Parent's Quide
Parental role in music education is very important, especially during childrens first steps in exciting music journey. We hope this quide will help you to support and encourage your child in learning music.
• At the outset of lessons make clear to your child that music training is a long-term process, just like school, and that it has many high points of pleasure along the way.
• Stress that quality, not quantity, of practice is what results in real progress. It is better to practice on the day after the lesson to avoid forgetting things that were done during the lesson.
• It is good to play classical music at home or in the car although there is no substitute for the true sound of live music, and the sight of musicians performing! Please try to go to concerts at least twice a year. Any classical music is great: solo piano, chamber music, symphony orchestra, etc. Music is a language and its hard to learn the language if you don’t hear it outside of the lesson.
• Your child has his own unique pace, so avoid comparing him to siblings or neighbors’ children who may appear to be playing better than he.
• The most important part of practice is regularity. Try to schedule practice sessions during the same period of time every day or every other day in free from distractions room. Short but more frequent practice sessions are better for beginner students.
• Let your child feel you are proud of his achievements, even when they are small. It is a good idea to give reward for hard work. Incentives should be viewed as a temporary measure to help young students to get used to practicing routine.After child have reached certain level of playing violin or piano, making music becomes rewarding on itself.
• Don’t despair at temporary lapses in practice. Your child will make progress in the lesson itself, although less rapidly.
• Your financial investment in your child’s music lessons pays its dividends through the skills he acquires over the years. Remember you are giving your child a music education for his artistic use, for his self-expression, and for his pleasure. Don’t expect him as a child to be grateful for your sacrifices. His gratitude will come years later when he can play and enjoy music as an adult.